HCS Young Life Campaigners


Welcome to the Hillcrest Christian School Young Life Campaigner Web Site! This page is dedicated to the 8 students and leader of the longest running Bible study group ever assembled through Young Life at Hillcrest in Jackson, MS. We meet every Sunday for some Bible study, sports, and hangin' out. Our group has been together for 3 years now, and we have done some crazy and fun things. Our escapades include: kayaking and camping out on the Okatoma River (more than once), singing Christmas carols at a retirement home, cramming 6 people and their sleeping bags and overnight bags in a very tight Mustang for a weekend camp, going to the local hockey team's game, playing some frisbee golf, having an Olympics match on the old style Nintendo play pad, having a homerun derby, and countless games of ultimate frisbee, football, basketball, and ping pong. All of our guys are currently or have competed in a varsity sport at HCS that competes in the MPSA. The '99-'00 basketball team was preseason #1 in the state and recently won the South AAAA conference regular season and tournament, the State AAAA tournament, and the Academy Overall tournament. It is great to be able to show others how we can be Christians, excel at sports and school, and have fun everyday while constantly learning about and witnessing about Christ.

Young Life! is a non denominational Christian organization that ministers to high school students around the world. Young Life was started in 1940 and has been in Jackson for over 20 years. YL was started at Hillcrest in 1995 and is today found in high schools throughout the US and in 40 foreign countries. Young Life has many summer and winter camps all over the world also. Hillcrest groups have taken summer camping trips to Windy Gap in North Carolina over the past 4 summers. Some might argue that it is the best place on earth!

Meet Our Members

Top from left: Scott, Wes, Ross; Middle: Daniel, Luke, Drew;
Bottom: Brian, Rob. (Sorry James! "Snooze" you lose. Maybe next time.)

It's finally here! HCS Young Life Campaigner Picture Pages!

The Senior Cruise Picture Pages!

Read the Senior Cruise Journal written by Drew Duncan!

Here are some cool animations that I have found all over the NET.

Check out theWavs Page.
Hear all kinds of sounds from Seinfeld to Austin Powers to the Taco Bell Dog!

See the most complete list of Young Life links ever assembled!

favorite site
for guitar tablature.
He wails on the 6-string!

Visit our local minor league hockey team, the Jackson Bandits.
(We have been known to pick up our Bible study and move it to
the hockey rink!

Brian Ray is a redshirt for the Mississippi College basketball team.
He helped lead the HCS team to the finals of the 1999 overall
basketball tournament.

Daniel Cole is the author of his own web page that includes numerous pictures of our Bible study group and other Hillcrest students. Check it out here: Daniel's Picture Gallery.

Take a look at Luke's picture page at The Goose Nest.

Some really awesome Christian singers that got there start in Young Life are: Ed Cash (left) and Bebo Norman (right). Check out their sites to hear sound clips, see tour dates, and buy cd's.

get this gear!

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